Ep #14: Remove Toxic Energy by Cord Cutting

by Corissa Weaver | Crystal Self Healer Podcast

Connections either nourish us or drain us energetically, and when it’s the latter we can benefit from knowing how to remove toxic energy through cord cutting. In this episode, we explore the concept of energetic cords, how they influence our relationships, and techniques to release negative attachments.


In this episode you’ll learn:


💫 Understanding Energetic Cords: We discuss how energetic cords are formed based on emotional interactions, attachment styles, and shared experiences. These cords can impact our thoughts, emotions, and overall well-being.


💫 Positive vs. Negative Cords: Learn about the difference between positive cords that enhance connection and support, and negative cords that lead to energy drain and emotional turmoil.


💫 Identifying Unhealthy Attachments: Explore the signs of unhealthy attachments, such as feeling drained, anxious, or emotionally overwhelmed in certain relationships.


💫 Tools for Cord Cutting: Discover metaphysical practices like visualization, intention setting, and energy work for releasing negative energetic attachments while maintaining healthy connections.


💫 Holistic Healing: Understand the importance of holistic healing, setting boundaries, and fostering self-awareness to reclaim emotional and mental peace.


Join me as we navigate through the intricacies of toxic attachments, empower ourselves with knowledge, and reclaim our emotional and mental peace. If you want to take this work deeper and apply it to your life, book a complimentary discovery call to explore how joining the Crystal Self Healer members portal offers deeper insights and personalized guidance.




Incorporate Black Obsidian in your practice to cleanse negative attachments: https://www.threecharmedgems.com/product/black-obsidian-tumbled-stone/


Ready to remove toxic energy and start nurturing healthy relationships?  Learn how you can find the support you crave inside the Crystal Self Healer members portal.  Book your complimentary Discovery Call here: https://www.threecharmedgems.com/calendar


Curious what crystal would best support you right now?  Take the What Crystal is Best for You quiz and find out how you can start your own crystal practice here:  https://www.threecharmedgems.com/best-crystal-for-you-quiz/


Listen on Apple podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/crystal-self-healer/id1727392795

Welcome to the Crystal Self Healer Podcast. I’m Corissa Weaver. On this podcast, we blend the magic of crystals with the science of psychology to help you break free from chaos, ditch the overwhelm, and master your emotions so you can have more energy, get more done, and feel better. Every day, get ready to unlock your intuition and restore your true power as we cover how you can transform your life using crystals and self awareness.

Are you ready to get started? All right, let’s go.

As social creatures, we crave connection. Whether these connections are physical, emotional, or energetic we become attached to the person or idea of our interest. These attachments for the most part are energetic, a function of the energies of our thinking and our intentions. And while many of these attachments can be healthy and positive, there is a time when we may experience the flip side of these attachments when they no longer serve us, or are the efforts of someone who has negative intentions, or a situation that does not serve us.

These are the cords that we may want to clean up or cut so that we can reclaim the emotional and mental peace that we all deserve. In this episode, we’re going to dive into attachments and how to remove toxic energy by cutting cords. Cords are subtle energetic connections that developed between individuals, often based on emotional interactions, attachment styles, and shared experiences. Just as our thoughts and emotions can impact our psychological wellbeing, they also contribute to the formation of energetic cords that link us to others on an energetic level.

In psychology, Attachment Theory suggests that our early bonding and attachment experiences shape our relationship patterns and emotional bonds throughout our life. Quantum Entanglement, a phenomenon observed at the atomic level, demonstrates how particles can become correlated and influence each other’s states instantaneously, regardless of physical distance. This concept parallels the idea of energetic cords, where our energy fields can become entangled with others, affecting our emotions, thoughts, and experiences. For our purposes, we can visualize energetic cords as invisible threads that connect us to people, places, and experiences. These cords carry energetic imprints of our interactions, emotions, intentions, and they influence our energetic state and overall wellbeing. Positive cords can enhance feelings of connection, empathy, and support. While negative cords can lead to energy drain, emotional turmoil, and boundary issues.

So energetic cords often develop in response to emotional interactions, intense experiences, and prolonged connections with others. The process of energetic cord formation involves the exchange and interplay of energy frequencies between individuals. Our thoughts, emotions, intentions, and energetic vibrations contribute to the creation and maintenance of these cords. Intense emotional experiences, unresolved conflict, and prolonged interactions can strengthen cords, creating energetic bonds that transcend physical proximity. The heightened sensitivity of empath and HSP women to energy and emotions may make them more susceptible to forming energetic cords due to their empathic abilities and deep emotional connections.

If we were to sit back and reflect on events and circumstances in our past we would be able to glean from those moments, whether we felt safe or unsafe and then see how those experiences shape how we view our experiences as adults. This doesn’t stop with just attachment theory and the caregivers we had his children, but is also influenced by the expectations and norms that were prevalent in our formative years too.

Cords in and of themselves aren’t good or bad.

They just are. It’s how we interact with them, the ways that they trigger us, and whether it’s in a healthy or unhealthy way. Again, positive energetic cords are formed through harmonious and supportive interactions where there’s mutual respect and a genuine connection. Think in terms of love and compassion, empathy, and understanding. These types of relationships or, or experiences will enhance our feelings of connection.

It’s going to strengthen bonds and facilitate healthy exchanges of energy. They contribute to a sense of belonging of emotional support, and shared understanding in our relationships.

Cultivating positive cords involves fostering open communication, practicing empathy, and nurturing authentic connections based on mutual respect and trust. Negative energy cords on the other hand, are formed through unresolved conflicts, emotional turmoil, co-dependent dynamics, and toxic relationships. Think in terms of fear and resentment, anger, guilt, and anything that provides an emotional drain. They can lead to energy depletion, emotional overwhelm, and challenges in maintaining healthy boundaries.

These cords can manifest as draining and disempowering, affecting emotional wellbeing, and causing energetic imbalance.

Now while there are numerous things that can create unhealthy or toxic cords, they all fall within one of two categories. Unresolved emotional wounds and unbalanced energy exchanges. Unresolved emotional wounds include past traumas, hurts, unhealed emotions, as well as our fear-based emotions around rejection, abandonment, and or inadequacy.

The unresolved issues from our lives create an opportunity for negative cords to form based on our fear driven beliefs and insecurities, reinforcing patterns of emotional turmoil and draining our energy. As for unbalanced energy exchanges, these negative cords form when there is an imbalance in energy within our relationships. This includes toxic relationships, co-dependent dynamics, or when one person holds power or perceived power over another within the relationship.

This could include situations where there is manipulation, emotional abuse, or power struggles. So I want to share the experience of one of my clients who was deeply embroiled in an unbalanced energy exchange.  She came to me when she was experiencing immense turmoil in her emotional wellbeing. She felt triggered all the time and completely powerless when it came to the relationship she craved in her life. She was harboring a lot of anger toward her partner, and was aggravated by everything he said and anything he did. And hated that he was holding this power over her.

She had dated here and there over the years, but was resolute that the father of her children was to be the only man in their lives. And she had a very strict faith rule and he was the only man she claims she had ever loved.

Yet she also felt that she couldn’t trust him, or men in general, because he had a history of cheating on women in his life and had cheated during their relationship as well. She desired to let go of the hurt, the love hate relationship but she could not figure out how to shake it. And the situation was driving her crazy and she was convinced she would have to stay living a life of misery. I’m sharing this story because there are a lot of things going on, some things

she was aware of, some things she was committed to continuing, and other things that she wasn’t able to identify when she was in the thick of all the feels.

So let’s talk about how you can go about identifying where you may be experiencing attachments, and how to remove the toxic energy by cord cutting.

This is where the first step in the process I teach my clients comes in. With Grounded Awareness you have an opportunity to recognize emotional patterns, physical sensations, and where you’re feeling emotionally or energetically drained. You create a clear picture of the recurring emotional patterns, triggers, or where the emotions may seem disproportionate to the situation or where they’re lingering long after an interaction with someone else has ended. If you are consistently feeling drained, anxious, or emotionally overwhelmed in someone’s presence or after communication with them, there may be energetic cords affecting your energy exchange.

You can also be feeling a tightness or heaviness or discomfort in specific areas in your body, specifically the chest, the stomach, and the throat.

If you do dream tracking, notice recurring themes, symbols, or messages in your dreams related to specific relationships or emotional dynamics as they can reveal hidden energetic connections and patterns. At the end of the day, it’s important to identify where it is that you are feeling out of control, powerless, ill at ease, or imbalanced so that you can employ tools and techniques to counterbalance these effects and create the sense of peace and wellbeing when you release the negative or toxic attachments.

Now that we have all that out of the way, we can now get to the good stuff on how to protect yourself.

Cutting cords is a metaphysical and energetic practice that involves releasing negative or draining energetic attachments between individuals or circumstances. Cutting cords can take on many forms typically involving visualization, intention setting, and energy work.

Most often people associate cutting cords with the technique of cutting the energetic cords with tools that symbolically represent scissors or knives. This could be an athame, crystal arrowheads, or a crystal wand. A wonderful crystal to use here is Black Obsidian. It’s important to note that cord cutting is not about severing

all connections with the other people but rather releasing the unhealthy attachments to restore energetic balance for greater wellbeing. And it’s also often wise to combine the symbolic cutting of cords with other supportive practices. So in the case of my client, the recommended course of action for her was to really get clear on where the negative attachments were showing up and how they were affecting her through creating Grounded Awareness. She then had the opportunity to set an intention for what she wanted to address, shift, and change.

And if you remember, she had her strict faith rule she was following that was adding to her discontent. A key activity in the Grounded Awareness phase is identifying core beliefs, the values and beliefs that you want to use as the guiding star or principles of your actions, words, and deeds.

This particular client did not want to change the strict faith rule she was following, which created awareness around how to proceed in her particular case. So while we did cord cutting, she had the opportunity to cut ties with the activities, the actions, her thoughts about the behaviors, so that she could then start to create the relationship she wanted. And then using the new found sense of peace and space, she was able to focus on the emotional and mental healing she needed to do to take charge of her triggers, address her underlying anger, and reclaim her personal power by being more aligned with the person she wanted to be in her life. I think it’s important to know that we get to choose where we invest our energy and our focus. And when we are in the depths of an attachment or toxic environment, we may spend a whole lot of our time focusing on things that take us away from what we truly want.

We get to decide whether we spend more of our time focusing on situations and relationships that we find nurturing. Or if we want to stay in situations and relationships that we find draining. And sometimes cutting cords can be more than just on an energetic level.

Empath and HSP women have a tendency to hold onto the belief that the person they’re attached to will change or improve over time. This hope for change, coupled with intermittent reinforcements um, by the other person through positive experiences, can keep the empath hooked in the relationship despite ongoing negative patterns.

As well, underlying self-worth issues can also contribute to prolonged exposure to toxic attachments. Empath and HSPs may seek external validation and approval to fill a void that they feel within themselves, leading them to stay in relationships that validate the negative self beliefs or insecurities. And then last but not least, many struggle with setting and maintaining healthy boundaries in their relationships. The lack of boundaries can make it challenging to break free from those toxic attachments, and then they may feel responsible for the other person’s wellbeing, or fear of the confrontation and conflict. These patterns of attachment are the areas that were affecting my particular client and so we worked through them within the program. And you can have this support in healing inside the Crystal Self Healers member portal. There are podcast study guides, where we take the concepts we talk about here on the podcast

we take the work deeper and we apply it to your life so that you can break free from your unhealthy relationships or attachments and start to build resilience, belief in yourself, and then you get to foster healthy boundaries and healthy ways of being. If you are interested in taking this work deeper, I invite you to use the link in the show notes to book a complimentary discovery call where you can learn more about how to join me inside the member’s portal and how it will help you achieve the goals that you want for your relationships.

This episode has been brought to you by Black Obsidian and Attachment Theory. May we all understand how our patterns of attachment affect our relationships so we can release any toxic energy that does not serve us. Blessed be, my friends.

All right, my friends, that wraps up this week’s episode. Thank you for joining me here today on the Crystal Self Healer Podcast. If you haven’t already, hit subscribe, leave a review, and take the What Crystal is Best for You quiz linked in the show notes. Join me again next week as we continue to demystify crystals, how your brain works, and how you can use them so you can have more energy, get more done, and feel better every day.