Ready to use your crystals to enhance your life without worrying about whether you’re doing it right?

Tired of not knowing what crystal to use?

Wish you knew ways to use your crystals so you can get the most out of them?

You know the feeling of wanting to tap into the metaphysical properties of your crystals, but you doubt your ability to pick the right one.

That nagging feeling that you just don’t know what crystal is best suited to address a particular issue.

Constantly feeling the need to pull out a reference book, but ending up overwhelmed and confused because all the information conflicts.

But what if I could offer you something better?

Here’s your chance to learn once and for all how you can confidently use crystals and be a Crystal Self Healer

Whether you’re wanting to heal a broken heart, balance your energy or manifest your wildest dreams, you know there has to be an easier way…


Would you like to have:

Trust in your intuition in choosing the right crystal

Confidence in your ability to use crystals for your own healing

Framework for identifying energy imbalances and the crystals to remedy the issues

Multiple ways to work with your crystals to enhance your life

Do you find yourself…

Googling what crystal you need…only to find out that it’s confusing and there’s no one clear answer…

Searching Pinterest for ways to use your crystals…only to realize that there are conflicting “rules” and you don’t know which method will work…

Buying yet another crystal book…only to be overwhelmed about how to pick the right crystal when different crystals are listed for the same issue…

Now imagine how you’d feel if you had an actual process to follow, including step-by-step instructions to help you take your love of crystals to new heights and see results

The truth is that being a Crystal Self Healer and using crystals isn’t really that difficult.  With the right guidance and knowledge you’ll be able to use your crystals in exactly the way you want and need to.

Imaging how your life would change if you knew:

*Exactly what to do to select the exact crystal you need

*How to work with it for it’s full effect, resulting in a repeatable way for you to enhance your life and experience confidence in your abilities.

No more confusion, no more overwhelm.

It’s not out of your reach, and it’s available to you right now

What will you learn in the Crystal Self Healing program?

The Crystal Self Healer program is a 5 module course that you can watch and move through at your own pace.

Each lesson is targeted and covers one topic.  That way you don’t need to watch or fast forward through a long lesson to find the five minute section you need.

Where you focus on building the foundations of working with crystals so you can get the most out of the sparklies you love.

The end result?  You get to start enjoying the benefits of working with your crystals the way you want to in as little as 5 weeks!

Module 1
Learn what Crystal Self Healing is, how your intention plays a role and how to connect with your crystals
Module 2
Learn how to discern where you need crystal healing, ways to sense and read energy and identify your dominant clair
Module 3
This module is all about the Chakras.  Learn where each Chakra is located along with how blocked or excessive energy manifests as emotional or physical symptoms.
Module 4
Learn how to create sacred space as well as ways to use your crystals in your space.
Module 5
Learn Cord cutting, crystal body layouts, how to prepare gem elixirs and how to perform crystal meditations specifically for your personal healing

Hi, I'm Corissa

My love of crystals deepened following years living with undiagnosed Postpartum Depression and Anxiety.  Incorporating crystals into my life not only allowed me to benefit from their metaphysical properties, but to also learn how to use them in ways that unlocked my potential.

These powerful tools can help you unlock the life of your dreams by being the catalyst for healing and revelation when dealing with patterns of thinking that keep you stuck.

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from being a Crystal Healer and created a one-of-a-kind program that gets rid of the confusion so you can enjoy working with your crystals.

I’ve removed all the fluff, explain the conflicting information and give you a clear and concise way to achieve your goal of knowing exactly how to work with your crystals.

If you’re wanting to deepen your connection with crystals and master your use of them to heal your life I invite you to start by enrolling in the Crystal Self Healer program!

So what is the investment?

Learn the process. Trust your intuition.  Be a Crystal Self Healer.

Crystal Self Healing is about tapping into the metaphysical properties of crystals to aid in emotional healing of traumas and hurts from our past. 

If you are a highly sensitive individual or find it hard to be true to yourself, this program is for you!

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Mastering Crystals And Be A Crystal Self Healer!