Thank goodness for Chinese take out and the little packets of Soy Sauce they give you. If these didn’t exist, we wouldn’t have been eating tonight.

Like almost every day, I sat looking at the kitchen thinking, “what will we eat for dinner today?”

The most dreadful thought of the day as far as I’m concerned.

Sitting on the bookcase is no shortage of books, so I decided to pull one out and found a recipe for Marinated Pork Chops. I had Pork Chops in the fridge and most of the other ingredients. Then I realized that I didn’t have a Soy Sauce, and I didn’t have time to go to the store.

But wait! I have those little packets from all those lazy nights when we end up getting Chinese take out. Dinner, saved!

Marinated Pork Chops

Pan to me standing at the counter, opening and pouring out packet after packet to reach 1/2 cup of Soy Sauce. The sacrifices we make to ensure our loved ones can eat!

The Marinate Pork Chops recipe is from The BiG Cook, written by Deanna Siemens, Lorelei Thomas and Joanne Smith.  This is a book completely about preparing meals bulk freezer meals.  If I were smart I would make more use of this book.

Marinated Pork Chops Recipe

6 Pork Chops

1/2 cup Soy Sauce

1/4 cup Oil

1/4 cup Onion, minced (I used scallions)

2 Tbsp Lemon juice

2 Tbsp Honey, liquid

2 cloves Garlic, minced

Combine Soy Sauce, Oil, Onion Lemon, Honey and Garlic.  Pour over pork chops.  Bake in the oven at 350 F for 45 minutes or until full cooked.

Since I was pressed for time, I didn’t follow the recipe directions of placing the sauce and pork into a freezer bag and freezing.  I did let the meat marinate in the sauce for an hour before cooking.

Again, marginal success with introducing this meal to the Things.  To quote Meatloaf, 2 out of 3 ain’t bad.

Hmmmmmm.   Meatloaf……

Now my fingers are sore from opening all those little packets. You just can’t win sometimes.