Sometimes the hardest part of Crystal Healing is trusting your intuition.  In this episode I help you understand how little things you may be doing unconsciously are blocking your ability to access your inner knowledge.


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Welcome to the Crystal Self Healer Podcast. I’m Corissa Weaver. On this podcast, we blend the magic of crystals with the science of psychology to help you break free from chaos, ditch the overwhelm, and master your emotions so you can have more energy, get more done, and feel better. Every day, get ready to unlock your intuition and restore your true power as we cover how you can transform your life using crystals and self awareness.

Are you ready to get started? All right, let’s go.

Oh, hello my friends. Welcome. Welcome to the third episode of the crystal self healer podcast.

I am so excited to bring this topic to us today. And it is. Using your intuition. And I thought I’d start by. Just preambling about why I want to talk about intuition. So intuition is really key in working with crystals. And when we’re dealing with something where there is limited scientific research that spells out the metaphysical properties of crystals everything that you receive from other people. Is their intuited information, right.

It is what they feel. We talked about this in episode one with Qualia, right. And for this reason, our intuition, when you and me start to work with crystals, it plays a key role in any crystal healing practice. So. Let’s look at what intuition is, and this is really fun because when you go to the dictionary, Intuition is defined as the power or faculty of attaining direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference. So. I love. That this definition makes intuition come across as irrational, right. And unfortunately it sums up how elusive intuition feels for many people.

So I want to take a little detour and talk about the human brain. This collection of neurons and synapses that fire to create pathways and places for our knowledge , and the information that is available to us. To travel right. And when these neurons and synapses fire repeatedly in the same way

that information or that track becomes ingrained for us.

And it becomes what is known as a subconscious behavior right. when something is subconscious, it becomes things that we just know or do. Right. And we don’t think about them. And, this one happens to be in our autonomic system, but breathing right. Or the scratching when you feel an itch, right?

We don’t put much thought into those things. But we do them. Right. We blink. We breathe. We swallow. Right. All these things and we don’t put much thought into them.

So our brain is like a fantastic, super computer. That is running scripts and programs in the background. Our subconscious mind. That we don’t pay attention to unless they become corrupted with a negative programming. Like a virus, right. And that. That negative programming in our mind would be a negative thought pattern or, a reaction to a negative stimulus, right. So when I think about intuition, I think about it as what I know, what I feel, what I sense, in a pure environment that is not swayed by my negative associations or my negative thought patterns, or my learned biases. So fun. So the good news, empath and highly sensitive women tend to be already very, very in tune with their intuition. However. Because they’re focusing a lot of their time on things that are outside of themselves,

other people, external circumstances, or they lack clear energetic boundaries, they find that they aren’t connecting to their intuition in a way that is meaningful and purposeful for them. And I know from my personal experiences that I have learned and internalized had been exposed to a lot of things that have created blocks for me when I was wanting to engage my intuition. There was a period of my life when I was lacking trust in my own intuition and it was a challenge for me when I was getting my certification as a crystal healer. And I was doing one of the things that I see most of my clients doing as well.

I was so up in my head thinking and looking for validation from outside of me from my teachers, from the books we were assigned to read, or other seasoned professionals that came up that I came across in my learning journeys. That I was talking myself out of what I was trying to do. Right. So, similar to when you pick a crystal, because you that’s the one you’re drawn to, and then you go and look on the internet and you find 15 other recommendations, and then you start talking to yourself about, well, I must’ve picked the wrong one. Right. So every crystal selection would become this internal dialogue,

that for me, would spiral into confusion. I was filled with doubt and fear about crystal selections. Worrying that I was, worrying about it while I was doing my training and I was unaware how I had internalized the one right answer mentality. And that I was applying that to my practice and that I wasn’t letting myself register my own intuitive hits.

And what I found was that when I wasn’t trusting myself or when I was out looking for validation of my intuitive hits, and I found myself talking myself out of the hits that I did have. What it ended up doing, was it cut me off from my inner knowing. Right. Well, not fun times. It was not a great experience.

And I think at the end of the day, this is one of the biggest learn behaviors that creates a hurdle for so many of us. That we’ve grown up in an educational structure that focuses on one, right answer. It doesn’t always embrace alternative ways of reaching an end result. And we end up not giving ourselves permission to have our own beliefs, to have our own values, our own desires, that could conflict or contradict with others or from what we’ve been taught.

Right. Which. Leads me to the next place where I see empath and highly sensitive women struggling. And that’s not having clear energetic boundaries. Yeah. So intuition comes to us through a variety of ways like our feelings, our thoughts and sensations. And when we aren’t adept at knowing where our feelings end, and someone else’s feelings begin, it can be a really difficult situation to discern what our intuition is actually revealing to us. We can find ourselves having the desires or interests of others taking priority over what we value and what we desire. And we end up numb and closed off from our intuition. And remember, there is little conscious thought that can easily be referenced when explaining an intuitive hit. And when someone outside of us maybe challenges us as an empath and an HSP, We often are going to back down or turn away from what we know to be true. What we know deep down in our bones to be true.

Now, there are always ways like using pendulums or muscle testing that we could use to verify and validate the hit the intuitive hit. But these techniques don’t remove the need to have clean and clear energetic boundaries between you and other people. And the other place I find my clients struggling is in their desire to please others. And because of that, they end up having a difficult time standing firm in their knowledge, or, in a message that is hard for them to quantify or explain. And it can make it hard to make sense of the intuitive hits

if you are constantly questioning yourself and unsure of what is yours or someone else’s energy. And this happens to be a double edged sword for empath and highly sensitive women. Our superpower is being able to experience and understand other people’s emotions sometimes before they even know what’s going on for themselves. And so by us having clear boundaries, It’s not about shutting out the skill or blocking the ability to experience another person’s energy.

It’s about knowing what you’re tapping into isn’t being muddied or muddled by an external experience.

So let’s take a minute and talk about what intuition feels like. And I’ve already commented that it’s, it comes to us through different ways, right, feelings, thoughts, and sensations. So it’s not always experienced in the same way for everyone. And each one of us has usually one Clair sense that is prominent for us. And it could be inner knowing or certainty a realization of alignment with our core values, a state of ease and flow, or repeating signs and symbols that we see in and around ourselves during our daily lives, or we start noticing synchronicities in our life.

And these aren’t, it’s not an exhaustive list. There are more ways but those are some of the most frequently experienced ones. And depending on how you discern energy you may experience one or more of these sensations. Inside Crystal Self Healer, there is an entire lesson that helps you figure out your Clare, the one that you experienced or tend to gravitate towards.

There is something to be said about being open and receptive to all of the methods as you develop and strengthen your intuition because you may find that in certain circumstances. You receive intuition one way and other circumstances you receive it in another.

So, what I found helped me really connect back into my intuition and being able to receive my intuitive hits, and to be able to trust my intuition was by having a really strong self-awareness and a knowledge of me. So starting to understand how I receive my intuitive hits and, again, it’s not always the same way in each situation.

And I had to learn the distinct distinctions between doing something to get one hit versus something to get another. I also needed a full awareness of my thoughts and my feelings, and of knowing how to discern between what I have learned and internalized through my experiences and upbringing from what resonates with me as my truth.

Being able to ensure that my thoughts were free from unconscious programming, or not riddled with doubts and fears was a really important step.

A good way for us to counteract being too up in our head or too consumed with looking for information or the thoughts that are going through our minds and searching for validation is to have a way of grounding ourself. And whether that’s from working with any of the grounding crystals, like Smoky Quartz. Or, whether you couple the crystal work with a meditation practice or, breathing techniques. When you have a way to block out and neutralize the things that are outside of you, it becomes so much easier to acknowledge your intuitive hits. And to clear out the noise from outside of you, you could cleanse your energy field, also known as your aura, with selenite or sentence bar. And selenite happens to be a really wonderful crystal to aid in higher connection. So it also lends itself nicely when your goal is to tune in and connect with your intuition.

Now at the end of the day. The point is to find a practice that empowers you to follow the nudges, to acknowledge the intuitive hits. And when you incorporate the three key questions for intuitive healing you will be armed with the building blocks that you need to break free from chaos, ditch the overwhelm, and master your emotions so that you can have more energy, you can get more done, and you can feel better every day.. Now you can get access to the intuitive healing masterclass by clicking the link for the what crystal is best for you quiz which is located in the show notes. Today’s episode has been brought to you by selenite and energetic boundaries. May we all have pure intention and tools to fortify our energetic boundaries. I would love to hear from you, my listeners now that we’ve been through a few episodes together. And I would love to know what you’d like me to talk about on the crystal self healer podcasts.

So feel free to send me an email with your ideas. And be sure to like, and subscribe so that you can join me for the next episode where we are going to cover sensing energy.

Alright my friends, that wraps up this week’s episode. Thank you for joining me here today on the Crystal Self Healer Podcast. If you haven’t already, hit subscribe, leave a review, and take the What Crystal is Best for You quiz linked in the show notes. Join me again next week as we continue to demystify crystals, how your brain works, and how you can use them so you can have more energy, get more done, and feel better every day.