Ep #1: What is the Best Crystal for you

by Corissa Weaver | Crystal Self Healer Podcast

When you’re starting out on your journey with crystals, it’s easy to wonder if you’re picking the best crystal for you.  We often look to books and the internet to give us a recommendation to work with.

Despite what you may think right now, picking the best crystal for you is not as elusive as it seems.

Listen as I share how you can select the best crystal for you so you can avoid overwhelming yourself with searching through volumes of often conflicting information.

If you’re ready to discover the best crystal for you, take the quiz here:  https://www.threecharmedgems.com/best-crystal-for-you-quiz/

Welcome to the Crystal Self Healer Podcast. I’m Corissa Weaver. On this podcast, we blend the magic of crystals with the science of psychology to help you break free from chaos, ditch the overwhelm, and master your emotions so you can have more energy, get more done, and feel better. Every day, get ready to unlock your intuition and restore your true power as we cover how you can transform your life using crystals and self awareness.

Are you ready to get started? All right, let’s go.

So you’re curious about crystal healing. You’ve heard about crystals having metaphysical and healing properties. And you want to know what crystals to use and how to get started. Well, you’re in the right place, my friend. My name is Corissa and I am the founder of Three Charmed Gems. I’m a Crystal Healer and Life Coach for empath and highly sensitive women. My job is to teach women how to use psychology and crystals so they can overcome emotions, their learned behaviors, their subconscious thoughts that derail them, the patterns of behavior and triggers and all the things that are getting in the way of them living the life that they crave. And one of the questions I get asked most is what crystal do I need? Or what crystal is best for me. In all the years that I have been selling crystals, my favorite answer, which happens to be very cryptic is yes. So here’s the thing. We live in a time where there is unlimited information available to us about everything and anything under the sun. And while this is great and it enables us to learn more and be more proactive in what we’re doing, it can also create immense overwhelm. And for the empath and HSP woman, overwhelm can often stop us in doing the things that we want to do.

When you go and do a Google search on the internet or in a book, and you look for a crystal that is good for anxiety, you’re going to end up with a list of seven to 12, maybe even more crystals. And how do you know which one is the one for you? So I always told my customers and clients that the information provided to them by others was meaningless, unless it spoke to them in a meaningful way. I always encouraged my clients to use their own intuition, their own gut reaction, in selecting the crystal that was best for them.

And here’s the thing. Just like people, crystals are multifaceted. So while I might use one crystal for anxiety, another person may not find the same experience of that crystal in those circumstances, the same way I do. This is a phenomena we call Qualia. It is the subjective experience of an individual. While I might gravitate toward Lepidolite, when I’m feeling anxious and overwhelmed, someone else might find Smoky Quartz is the right crystal for them. So when you are wanting to work with crystals, I highly encourage all of my clients to go for the crystal that they are drawn to. And by that, I mean, the crystal that they just keep coming back to. Let me give you an example. So have you ever gone shopping and your intention is not to buy, but to just look. And you go into a store and you see this fabulous pair of shoes or whatever it is that you find yourself getting caught in, and it really grabs your attention.

So you spend some time appreciating it while you’re in the store. And when you go home, you find that you just can’t get that thing out of your head. That is the kind of connection you want with your crystal. And yes, there are protocols and practices that can help make sense of what kind of crystal to look for or what group of crystals to look at, but at the end of the day, whether you choose Smoky Quartz or Lepidolite light or any other crystal that has properties that are relevant to anxiety, at the end of the day the crystal has to resonate for you. It has to mean something to you. It has to bring about the sensation, the feeling that you desire. So let’s stay with our anxiety example. And if you’re feeling anxious, you want a crystal that helps you feel calm and in control. So the crystal you pick should be one that provides that for you. And you don’t need a book to tell you how a crystal will make you feel. I’m not saying don’t refer to books or don’t do internet searches about what crystal you might benefit from. What I am saying is that you do defer to your own inner wisdom and that you trust that you know what is best for you. I often see so many of my clients struggling with feeling like they need validation from someone else instead of themselves for choosing their crystal. So how do all the fabulous books and the plethora of information you find on the internet, how does that fit into you

choosing the best crystal for you? Well, they’re resources. They’re jumping off points if you find you need a little nudge or you’re wanting to reference what someone else recommends, but because of Qualia the experience and recommendation is theirs and theirs alone based on their life, their interpretations. Their subjective view of the world. As long as you are mindful of that, there’s no harm in referring to books or other people’s suggestions. But trust that you know best and the right

crystal will show up at the right time for the healing work you are meant to do. It’s much like the phrase when the student is ready, the teacher teacher will appear. If you’ve not heard of it, I swear I came across that in the autobiography of a Yogi, but I can’t source it so don’t quote me on where the quote came from. Anyway. When you’re in a space where you are trusting your intuition, you’re mindful of the feelings and sensations you’re experiencing and whether they are in alignment with how you want to feel, and able to trust the process

you’ll find yourself choosing and working with crystals that will catapult your healing.

The final point I want to make is another place where I see people struggling with when choosing the best crystal. And that is the absence of self-reflection. So many people have purchased or been given a crystal and they’re convinced the crystal isn’t doing anything. Well, you don’t have to know exactly how a crystal is going to benefit you in your healing journey.

If you aren’t actively engaging in self-reflection, you won’t always be able to see how your life and experiences of your world have changed. So I highly recommend that you find a practice of self-reflection that works for you so you can see and measure the progress you’re making on your journey.

I am going to share a story from back in the day when I was personally doing the work of using crystals to overcome symptoms of depression and anxiety. When you do a Google search for what crystal is good for anxiety and depression. The top results refer you to work with Rose Quartz. Rose Quartz happens to be a crystal suggested to be good for self love and compassion. However, my personal experience with Rose Quartz historically had been a version of physical repulsion. The best way to describe it,

and for those of you who watched Once Upon a Time, you’ll want to think of when Regina reaches into people’s chests and pulls their heart out. Now that is what Rose Quartz felt like to me. And it left me wondering. How in the world can this crystal that feels so horrible to me be the top recommended crystal for depression and anxiety.

Anyway, there came a day when I was at a geological society gem show. And from across the room, there was this hunk of raw Rose Quartz. And it caught my eye. And for the entire time we were at this mineralogical show, I could not get that crystal out of my head. I even started feeling and becoming possessive of this crystal that wasn’t even mine. So that day was the day I brought home my big chunk of Rose Quartz, but I was experiencing a little hesitation and reservation about working with it because I still had those pangs of discomfort in my chest.

So I did what any reasonable person does with a three pound crystal, I placed the crystal off in a closet and continued on with what I was doing at that point in my journey, which was completing my PhD in metaphysics and my coaching certification. And through both of those programs, I was doing a lot of the self work that I needed to do to be healing

many of the issues that were triggers and limitations for me. And where some of the root causes for the symptoms of my depression and anxiety that I had been experiencing. Eventually when I finished all my coursework, I picked up the Rose Quartz, which had again, just been sitting on a shelf in a closet.

And I realized that I no longer experienced the physical repulsion of the crystal. It was in hindsight that I understood how the crystal was working with and for me in that period of time to help me heal and process things that were creating dis ease in my life. I had been working on healing all those parts of me that held my negative self view, and no longer did I feel the same aversion to Rose Quartz.

Last, but not least the third thing I want you to take away from this podcast, and it’s exhibited in my story that I just shared. It’s that you need to trust the process. When we’re dealing with healing emotional trauma, emotional wounds, generational wounds, patterns of behavior, conditioned ways of being the healing process

isn’t always linear. It isn’t always a cause and effect experience of do this to get that result. And the more we try to force and control our healing, and how it is going to go about taking place, the more we’re going to feel frustrated and stuck. So the more you can let go of control, and trust that you are doing exactly what you need, in exactly the right time with exactly the right crystal, the more you are going to see the end result you want sooner, faster, and more profoundly.

So to recap, the three things that you can do to help you choose the best crystal for you. Number one is use your intuition. Number two is pay attention to the physical sensations and notice if they bring about the way you want to be feeling. And number three. Trust the process.

If all of this is foreign to you, or you feel like it’s just too far outside of your comfort zone, know that this is okay. There are so many different ways that you can learn to trust your intuition. Learn to discern your energy and the energy of crystals, how to use crystals as well as build trust in yourself. And this is just some of what I help my clients do inside the Crystal Self Healer program. But in the meantime, if you are wanting a jumping off point for what crystal is best for you, you can take my quiz. The quiz is what crystal is best for you.

And it is linked in the show notes. Today’s episode has been brought to you by Rose Quartz and the word Qualia.

May your heart be open to express and receive love. And your subjective experience bring about the healing you need.

Alright my friends, that wraps up this week’s episode. Thank you for joining me here today on the Crystal Self Healer Podcast. If you haven’t already, hit subscribe, leave a review, and take the What Crystal is Best for You quiz linked in the show notes. Join me again next week as we continue to demystify crystals, how your brain works, and how you can use them so you can have more energy, get more done, and feel better every day.