OK, I know I said I would be posting recipes for the new dishes being introduced to the kids, but sometimes you just need an old favourite.

Classy Chicken

Way back in 2006 we moved from Toronto to Calgary. As a housewarming, my cousin Rachel brought by a casserole she called Classy Chicken. At this point we only had Thing 1 in the house and he was only 9 months old so this dish was eaten entirely by me and DH. We LOVED it!

It would have been too easy for me to ask Rachel for the recipe, so I googled until I found it.  Originally published by Best of Bridge.

Classy Chicken


Classy Chicken Recipe

3 Chicken Breasts, boneless, skinless
1/4 tsp pepper
3 TBSP oil
1-10 oz (280 g) package frozen broccoli
1-10 oz (284 ml) can Cream of Mushroom soup
1/2 cup light Mayonnaise
1 tsp Curry powder
1 tsp Lemon juice
1/2 – 1 cup grated Cheddar cheese


Cut chicken into bite-sized pieces and sprinkle with pepper. Saute quickly in oil over medium heat just until opaque. Drain. Cook asparagus or broccoli until crunchy. Drain and arrange on bottom of buttered casserole.

Classy Chicken

Place chicken on top.

Classy Chicken

Mix together soup, mayonnaise, curry and lemon juice and pour over chicken.

Classy Chicken


Sprinkle with cheddar cheese and bake, uncovered, at 350F (180C) for 30-35 minutes.  Serve with rice.

Classy Chicken

Serves 6

Over the years I have made this dish so many times that I no longer need to measure. Thing 1 has a dislike for melted cheese so we omit this ingredient, and since we all LOVE broccoli we put in a full 1 lb bag of frozen broccoli. Generally this recipe will get 3 thumbs up from the Things, but kids are fickle and sometimes don’t like what they liked the week before. Sigh.