Bah! Don’t Spoil it!

Truth be told I watch too much tv. There’s something about background noise from the tv that I find comforting. Wait, tv shows that I choose, not just any tv. The downfall to this is when I get sucked into a new show because it is so good that I can’t let...

Finding Calm in the Sparkles

I’ve been taking great solace from my recent dive into learning meditation. A quiet and peaceful mind is not what I typically carry on my shoulders. We all constantly feel like we’ve forgotten something, that we don’t have enough time to do what...

Hello world!

Today is Thing 1’s birthday. Sort of fitting that today also be the start of Three Charmed Gems blog since Thing 1, Thing 2 and Thing 3 will be gracing future posts. I’m a stay at home Mom of three kids, retiring from the work world when Thing 1 was born. My house is...